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Commencement Student Speaker

As part of our Commencement celebrations, Spring 2025 graduates are invited to apply for the role of Student Speaker to address their classmates during their respective ceremony. The deadline to apply is Saturday, April 5, 2025.

Student Speaker

UC Merced is a research community bound by learning, discovery and engagement. Regardless of their discipline, candidates for the Commencement Student Speakers are expected to embody attributes that include leadership, civic and community engagement, and engage in intellectual development through a process of inquiry and discovery. Student Speakers model these attributes through academic excellence. Speakers, serving as role models, utilize this honor to celebrate the accomplishments of their fellow graduates.


  • Applicants must be in good academic and student conduct* standing and have a UC grade point average of 3.0 or higher
  • Applicants must have applied and been approved for graduation and for participation in Commencement 
  • All final materials must be received by the application deadline identified in the timeline below


Qualified applicants must submit the following via the Commencement Student Speaker Application:

  • Statement of interest, which should describe how the applicant embodies the attributes of leadership, civic and community engagement, academic excellence and engages in intellectual development through a process of inquiry and discovery
  • Resume or CV
  • Final text of the speech
  • The name and contact information of a UC Merced faculty member who can speak to the applicant’s academic ability, including engagement with curricular and co-curricular opportunities that are hallmarks of the undergraduate experience
  • Submit speech as a video recording, including answering the following questions:
    • Introduce yourself, your major, and your school.
    • Briefly tell us why you would like to be the student speaker at commencement.
    • Of all of your accomplishments and activities here at UC Merced, please tell us what you are most proud of.


  • Participate in preparation sessions with UC Merced Public Relations staff, in which public speaking coaching and minor speech edits may be provided
  • Sign a formal agreement, confirming your commitment to deliver the speech submitted during the application/audition process (with the exception of minor edits identified in preparation sessions)
  • Submit a student conduct clearance form*

*Minor conduct infractions may not disqualify an applicant. Please contact Le'Trice Curl ( if you have questions.


Each applicant's speech will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1) Content

  • Appropriateness for Commencement
    The purpose of this ceremony is to honor our students and to provide the opportunity for them to celebrate their degree candidacy with family and friends. The speech should be respectful of all attendees (including family and friends) and congratulatory in nature.
  • Relevance and significance
  • A well organized, clear and concise message
  • Intelligence, creativity and originality
    The content should be easily understood by those inside and outside the university. While the primary audience is your fellow classmates, please remember that family, friends, and members of the community will be in attendance.

2) Effectiveness of Delivery

  • Delivery within the time specified
    Three (3) minutes is the maximum time allowed. You will be timed.
  • Eloquence of delivery, appropriate volume
  • Energy and personality
  • Formal, yet conversational delivery style
  • Grammatically correct


Each applicant should submit their completed application no later than Saturday, April 5th.

Within the online application, you will be required to provide a link to your YouTube video. Video submissions sent via email will not be accepted. If you need assistance on how to upload a YouTube video, please reference the following guides:

Please note, this video is only shared with the selection committee and will not be used during the ceremony. Applicants will work with a coach to make edits to the speech as needed.





If you have any questions, please contact

Note: The submission and selection process is managed by a committee of campus representatives.