As a partner in success with your UC Merced student, you are an important extension of our campus community. This is YOUR area, where you can find information on student housing, meal plans, financial aid, and more. Our goal is to provide you with a central location for the resources we find parents and family members most often need. If you would like to speak to a representative for specific questions, please contact (209) 228-7178.

Parents & Families
Learn how to help your student navigate the next step in their journey to UC Merced.

Parent Guide
The Parent Guide will connect you and your student to the campus community, provide answers to your top school questions.

Attend an Admitted Student Event
Check out the several on-campus and off-campus events offered for your newly admitted student.

Financial Aid
If you've received a financial aid award, learn how to check off outstanding requirements.

Health Services
Learn more about the services offered by Student Health as well as the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP).